
how to fight fears

Fears – How Do I Fight Them?

Q: I have some fears that I would like to transform. What’s the best way to go about this? A: One of the best ways to transform fear is with courage. Begin with selecting a fear and rev that energy up. Put your fear into a worst-case scenario. For example, let’s say you fear failure…. Read More

life purpose

How to Define Life Purpose

Q: I am 35 years old and I still don’t know what my purpose is. I go to an unfulfilled job and I feel stuck. How can I find my purpose? A: Finding meaning and purpose in this sometimes difficult life can be challenging for many. One thing I like to remind my clients is… Read More

Comparisons – Good Or Bad habit?

Q: I find that I am always comparing myself to others. Why do I do this? A: I believe that most of us have a tendency to compare ourselves to others. It’s a natural part of being human. At some level, comparisons can be healthy as you may feel motivated to or inspired to emulate… Read More

what is the true success

What Is True Success

Q: What do true success and power mean? A: I believe that success has many different definitions for everyone. Each individual has many different values and needs. Marriage might be a success for one and misery for another. A Six-figure income can represent success for one and turning into an addiction for another. Beauty can… Read More

How to achieve set goals

How To Achieve Set Goals

Q: I set some goals for the new year and I am already struggling with achieving them. How can I get serious and stick to achieving my goals? A: The fact that you have set goals for yourself is wonderful. I would make a list of action steps you can take in order to achieve… Read More