Narcissistic Abuse Recovery
Draining your energy
Have you experienced being around someone who drained your energy to the point where you felt your well was dry?
This person can be a co-worker, boss, partner, spouse, parent, child, so-called friend. Nevertheless, you question that something is off and maybe you want to even try to get away from them – and it’s daunting.
Perhaps a partner or spouse devalues and discards you, gives you silent treatments, twists truths around and makes you feel like you are the crazy one.
You find that you make all the effort to keep the relationship going. You even will do anything for this person – despite suffering from chronic stress from being the victim of this manipulation and control.
Do you interact with someone who falls under the criteria of Narcissistic Personality Disorder?
There is a spectrum of narcissism. To a degree, we all have some self-absorbed tendencies. However, if one is far too high on the spectrum, there is the tendency to be unhealthy and character disturbed.
Recognizing an Energy Vampire (Narcissist)
Vampires are on a continuum ranging from narcissistic traits to full-blown Narcissistic Personality Disorder. They are often charming, good-looking, charismatic, and outgoing. They may hold high positions in government, business, religion, the military, and medicine. Charismatic vampires tend to surround themselves with followers (harems) who hang on their every word.
Narcissists (vampires) have a sense of superiority and often disregard right from wrong. They think they are above their partner, law, medicine, etc. Character is defined by how you behave when no one is looking, but vampires often commit their biggest crimes when no one is looking and then camouflage into model citizens when the camera is on them.
A narcissist’s self-esteem is derived from personal gain for themselves – prestige, money, sex, power. It’s more about how they look, what kind of house they live in, what kind of car they drive – although some may not outwardly show this.
So, when you’re looking at your relationships and your interactions with someone whom you suspect to be a vampire (narcissist), look for the use of these common manipulation tactics:
Being aggressive or covertly aggressive to get their own way.
- The need to always “win.” They won’t take “no” for an answer; if you try to resist, they wear you down until you give up. They must have power and control.
- Lies that portray them in the best light, no matter what the situation – or their real part in it.
- Super-competitiveness and fighting for the upper hand, making sure to always display their “power.”
- No straight answers, even to a simple question. For example, you may ask, “I have a dinner meeting; can I order something for you to bring home?” “You’re just looking for a rich man.” Blaming others for their own hurtful actions.
- Laying on guilt trips to make you feel bad.
As you fight your natural inclination to stay in a relationship and “fix” the other person and think things will change, please remember that vampires don’t have a moral compass or a conscience. They lack true compassion and true remorse.
Narcissists think they are perfect, and it’s truly all about them. They often exhibit vengeful behavior, are frequently angry (or passive-aggressive), lack remorse, and are incapable of intimate relationships.
Something that is likely difficult to accept is that they often exploit others through deceit. They know exactly what they are doing as they are predators, and empaths are their prey. They are masters of using specific interpersonal maneuvers or tactics to gain advantage over you. Once you recognize how they work, you are far less likely to be victimized by them.
Guidance to regain control of your life
Dealing with a narcissistic individual requires setting healthy boundaries and taking extreme self-care by prioritizing yourself. If you have ended a relationship with a narcissist, you need guidance with recovery tools to regain control of your own life.
I will guide you on this journey with regaining your wholeness and rise to resiliency from the depths of your betrayal.
Call me at (970) 376-4163 or complete the form below to take the first step.