6 Things You Can Do To Sleep Better

6 Things You Can Do To Sleep Better

Q: I have a 16-year-old son who I feel is sleep-deprived and his grades are slipping in school. He is also grumpy and doesn’t talk a lot to his father and me. He has trouble waking up each morning, and he also sleeps late on weekends.  What can I do to help him...
How To Increase Self-love

How To Increase Self-love

Q: I have been working on being more loving toward myself and I find it challenging. Do you have any suggestions on how I can love myself more? A: Congratulations on your efforts to love yourself. Self-love is the essence of who we are, our true nature, and living at...
Signs When Worry Turns To Anxiety

Signs When Worry Turns To Anxiety

Q: I am a 20-year-old college student and I have found myself worrying a lot more about my classes and keeping up. I also work part-time and I am feeling overwhelmed. My question is when does excessive worry turn into anxiety? A: Many people are feeling anxious...
How To Deal With Depression Due To Debts

How To Deal With Depression Due To Debts

Q: I am paying on a student loan and I feel I will never get out of debt. It’s making me depressed. Any suggestions to help me feel there is hope for eliminating debt? A: There is nothing more freeing than being out of debt. Your student loan debt most likely has a...
How To Deal With People With Developmental Delays

How To Deal With People With Developmental Delays

Q: I have a younger sibling who is emotionally and developmentally delayed. She can be difficult and nasty to me. Her temper is explosive at times and she is very childlike even though she’s an adult. Any thoughts on how I can deal with her? A: With your sibling’s...
Don’t Rush With Important Decisions!

Don’t Rush With Important Decisions!

Q: My boyfriend and I have been together for approximately three months. He wants to get married and I don’t know if I am quite ready. I have been married twice and don’t want to make another mistake. I am in my 50’s and my children are grown. He has been married...