How to Make Your Relationship Last

How to Make Your Relationship Last

Q: I am in a fairly new relationship and I really want this to work. I don’t want to sabotage this one as I have done this in the past. What are some guidelines to help this relationship last? A: The fact that you have this desire means you can do everything in your...
How to Love And Do The Best For Your Body

How to Love And Do The Best For Your Body

Q: I have been struggling with my body image my entire life. I have always been on the heavier side and no matter what diet I do or how much weight I lose, I hover on the heavier side. I get discouraged and lose interest, and I know this is not good. It’s a vicious...
How to Be Happy Again After Covid

How to Be Happy Again After Covid

Q: Ever since covid I have been more anxious and less happy. I still feel isolated. I don’t know how to feel happy again. How do you learn to be happy? A: Covid has certainly changed many things in our world. There were many losses; jobs, opportunities, friends,...
How to Help an Irrational Thinker

How to Help an Irrational Thinker

Q: My sister is an irrational thinker. She lives with me and is driving me crazy with her fears. She won’t get help. What should I do? A: It sounds like your sister’s irrational thinking is robbing her of her happiness. Here are a few tips to give her and if she is...
5 Ways To Help You Get Back In Balance

5 Ways To Help You Get Back In Balance

Q: I have been feeling very out of balance this past year. Can you offer some suggestions on getting back into balance? A: Many people have felt out of balance in this pandemic time. Much was lost and so many changes occurred. Often, when this happens, we can feel as...
5 Phrases For Practicing Loving-Kindness

5 Phrases For Practicing Loving-Kindness

Q: How can I practice more loving-Kindness in my life? A: Loving-Kindness starts with being loving and kind toward yourself. When you practice this loving-kindness with yourself first, you will be in a space to feel it and practice it toward others. I am going to give...