
Welcome to Dr. Connie’s Quarterly E-Newsletter

Hello everyone, and welcome. I’m delighted to share with you, in a quarterly newsletter, my commitment to holistic health, wellness, and healing. This encompasses the whole, in mind, body, spirit and emotions — a journey that I hope you will find enlightening and entertaining. Use this newsletter to stay connected with current topics discussed in… Read More


Q: I am told that it’s good to set boundaries with a partner. Can you tell me how to do this? A: Establishing and discussing healthy boundaries in a partnership is important so both individuals have a sense of clarity, open and honest communication. In order to have a healthy relationship, it’s essential to be clear… Read More

Random Acts of Kindness

Q: I have a four-year-old son, and I would like to teach him how to perform random acts of kindness. Is there a certain age to begin this process? A: I would say kudos to you for wanting to start this wonderful trait with your son. There are so many ways to generate and instill… Read More