Is It True? Meditation To Help You Lose Weight

Is It True? Meditation To Help You Lose Weight

Q: Is it true that meditation can help you lose weight? A: Meditation is a tool to help with weight loss especially if you have chronic stress. This is the stress that is a day in, day out that takes a physical toll on your body. Our stress hormone, cortisol can cause...
What to Do When Someone Is Treating You Poorly

What to Do When Someone Is Treating You Poorly

Q: Is it alright to confront someone when you feel he is treating you or someone else poorly? A: Confrontation can be most helpful for all involved. It basically brings an important and legitimate issue to the forefront and can no longer be ignored. Confrontation...
Left Brain Vs Right Brain

Left Brain Vs Right Brain

Q: What are some differences from left brain and right brain traits? A: The left brain has to do with your analytical side. This side is mathematical, detail oriented, reasons, factual, practical, strategic, sequential and uses both spoken and written language. The...
9 Ways to Help Someone Who Is Constantly Stressed

9 Ways to Help Someone Who Is Constantly Stressed

Q: I have an adolescent daughter who is constantly stressed. She is a perfectionist and stresses about everything. What can I do to help her? A: We are seeing an increase in stress related issues among adolescents. A certain amount of stress is normal. It’s a common...