5 Phrases For Practicing Loving-Kindness

5 Phrases For Practicing Loving-Kindness

Q: How can I practice more loving-Kindness in my life? A: Loving-Kindness starts with being loving and kind toward yourself. When you practice this loving-kindness with yourself first, you will be in a space to feel it and practice it toward others. I am going to give...
How To Accept Change

How To Accept Change

Q: My husband and I recently purchased a new home. I am grieving the loss of our apartment where we lived for 9 years. We got engaged there and experienced so many wonderful things including having our first child. I am struggling with liking our new home. Is this...
The Need For Friendship – Men VS Women

The Need For Friendship – Men VS Women

Q: I have been with my boyfriend for 8 months and I have noticed that he doesn’t have more than one or two friends. I tend to have a group of close women friends. Is this normal? A: There is research that women’s biochemical wiring makes them more likely than men to...
Can Changing a Diet Affect the Mood?

Can Changing a Diet Affect the Mood?

Q: Can changing my diet for the better improve my mood? A: Absolutely it can! Go for as much fresh and whole as possible. A balanced diet of fresh, Whole Foods gives our brains the necessary raw materials to ensure that we produce abundant happiness juices on a daily...