by Constance Clancy | Jan 8, 2021 | Blog
Q: My husband left me for another woman. We were married 20 years. I am devastated and ridden with negative self-talk feeling there is something wrong with me. Where can I turn next? A: What you have experienced is extremely painful and you are grief stricken. I am...
by Constance Clancy | Jan 8, 2021 | Blog
Q: Can you suggest your top ways I can let go of stress I don’t want to carry into this new year? A: Having the desire to let go of stress is a great way to begin a new year. There are many techniques to help reduce stress, and you requested the top tips, so I will...
by Constance Clancy | Jan 8, 2021 | Blog
Q: I would like to try telehealth counseling. Is this something that could work? A: With the Covid virus still with us, many therapists have taken courses to provide telehealth counseling. With the increased need for services, telehealth is a valuable means to discuss...
by Constance Clancy | Nov 6, 2020 | Blog
Q: I want to simplify my life and I don’t know where to begin. Can you give me some suggestions to get started? A: The fact that you have an intention to simplify your life is a terrific start. It’s natural for most of us to take on too much then become too...
by Constance Clancy | Nov 6, 2020 | Blog
Q: My insomnia is getting worse with all the stress surrounding me. Can you provide some tools to help with sleep? A: We are a culture of insomnia, yet the behaviors we use contribute to this. Avoid stimulants such as excess alcohol, sugar, caffeine, social media, and...