5 Phrases For Practicing Loving-Kindness - Mind/Body Wellness

Q: How can I practice more loving-Kindness in my life?

A: Loving-Kindness starts with being loving and kind toward yourself. When you practice this loving-kindness with yourself first, you will be in a space to feel it and practice it toward others. I am going to give you some phrases to use that come from the heart that you use on yourself first, then with others.

  1. May I be filled with loving-kindness
  2. May I be filled with happiness, health, and wellbeing
  3. May I be safe from inner and outer conflicts, pain, and harm
  4. May I be at ease, happy, and live a life of good health
  5. May I give and receive gratitude and appreciation for this day

Now repeat these phrases with “May you, or May your” ……..It feels so good to give to both yourself and others. That is loving-kindness in its true nature.

As you breathe gently and recite inwardly these phrases can come with taking slow, deep breaths after each affirmation. Repeat two to three times. It also helps to meditate on these affirmations in a quiet space where you can be relaxed and feel at rest. Let your heart be soft and let go of any plans or preoccupations.