Q: I am trying to forgive my brother for some things he did to me a few years ago. Can you provide some tools to assist me with how to forgive?

A: Congratulations that you are wanting to practice forgiveness toward your brother. You will not only feel better about reconciling a relationship with him, you will feel better yourself. Forgiveness is letting go of resentment, and when you can let go, it is a huge relief for you in your mind, body, emotions and spirit. You will not only feel more balanced and whole, you will have the opportunity to rebuild with your brother. Below are some tools you are asking for to help you with forgiveness:

  • Bring in your mind your brother who is the person who hurt you.
  • Feel the pain he caused you.
  • See him as a human being whose behavior was unacceptable towards you, then see a gleam of light emanating from him.
  • Observe him in the light until you see more brightness emanating from him shining through the painful seen and thoughts you have of him. Now soften the picture of him and observe him with a kinder heart healing his own wounded self.
  • You can now either write or say to yourself the following words. I forgive you, I release you to your highest good, I free myself from all the pain that I have held, I release the present from the past and free my future.
  • Repeat these words to yourself as needed and you will truly feel yourself full of forgiveness.