Q: How does one become a stress-resistant person?

A: Stress resistant people have resilience. They are able to bounce back from any adversity and be stress hardy. They are solution-oriented and see ways to resolve problems. They are generally positive people who are motivated and tackle issues head-on without fear. They see the glass half full and challenge themselves to get to the heart of the matter and end up with a resolution, usually with a positive outcome.

It’s not that stress resistant people don’t get stressed, it’s how they cope with their stress that makes them resistant to it.

Healthy coping techniques such as practicing balance in mind, body, emotions and spirit will help them feel and be whole and healthy in all of those areas of their lives. They use their left and right hemisphere’s of their brain to be whole. They can handle and resolve crises in a calm and rational manner.

Stress resistant people tend to be risk takers, and they grow from taking these calculated risks. They carefully look at the options, and choose what they believe to be the best and most level headed approach.

One can begin to change one’s thoughts and behavior patterns to begin to adopt stress-resistant patterns that work well for them.