Q: I have been struggling with my body image my entire life. I have always been on the heavier side and no matter what diet I do or how much weight I lose, I hover on the heavier side. I get discouraged and lose interest, and I know this is not good. It’s a vicious cycle. I feel hopeless and don’t know what is left to do. Can you help?
A; Body Image issues are quite common and so discouraging, I know. I would like to start guiding you by focusing on nourishing your body. Balance your brain and body chemistry through optimal nutrition and supplementation. Through this, you can come to an acceptance of your body. Your body is a temple to be honored. You have one body and you want to nurture him/her to the fullest.
Start looking at something you can see that you like. It may be your eyelashes for starters. Focus on what is working with your body. Is it healthy? Does your brain function well? Are you taking supplements to help your body function optimally? So much of your body is attributed to health and well-being. If you have a healthy body, there are things you can do to energize it and Increase the vital life force. Use movement, breath, and proper rest to get your body energized. Start caring for your body and focusing on what works to keep you functioning well.
Tune into your body’s wisdom. When you love and honor your body and listen to his. her needs, pay attention, and attend to what your body needs. I would also suggest you talk with a therapist/nutritionist and get some guidance on starting to like your body and how it works for you rather than against you. Try to put fresh perspectives on your body rather than the habitual self-talk that continues to keep you in a vicious cycle. With some practice, I believe you can turn this around and get the support you need to give you that boost to nurture your body.