Q: Ever since covid I have been more anxious and less happy. I still feel isolated. I don’t know how to feel happy again. How do you learn to be happy?

A: Covid has certainly changed many things in our world. There were many losses; jobs, opportunities, friends, family, etc. It takes time to re-adjust to changes a newness on many levels. We humans like our creature comforts and for many, those creature comforts were lost for good. It can be like starting over. Yet, there is always hope and focus on solutions.

Ask yourself, what would it take to make you happy? A better job, a larger bank account? A perfect mate? While I don’t know your story, one thing I do know is you have the ability to find happiness within and it can come from the inside out. We all have a “happiness set-point.” This is a genetic and learned tendency, similar to a thermostat setting on a furnace. 50% is genetic, 10% is circumstantial, and 40% is based on your habits, thoughts, and behaviors. So regardless of your external circumstances, you can experience a deeper more meaningful State of happiness at your core. I would like to recommend the book “Happy for No Reason” by Marci Shimoff. She has a powerful 7-step plan to be happy from the inside out. You will be happier just reading the principles of creating your happy life.