Q: I have gone through many changes since the pandemic began. Can you please help with how one can create a new normal?

A: It’s known that we are all living in a world of change. While we have always endured change (change can be positive) we seem to have it coming fast and furious nowadays. It is highly likely that life, as we knew it prior to the pandemic, is not about to return and this can be a good thing. The problems that continue, as some wisdom keepers may say, are a part of a major transformation that is taking place on our planet, from climate change to taking an active part in creating our own future.

The following examples can be ways to initiate the new vision/dreaming process:

  1. Begin or continue a meditation practice to clear ego-based distractions and obstructions
  2. Create a vision board of what you would like your future to look like and hold
  3. Share your visions/dreams/aspirations with those who feel close to you and ask them to help keep you accountable
  4. Surround yourself with those who share a similar path and energetic vision. Have deep meaningful conversations about these visions
  5. Practice daily gratitude for what you do have now.
  6. Stay present as you cannot change the past and being in the future takes you away from now.

You may want to journal about your dreams and visions for the future. Set intentions and believe in these intentions manifesting in your highest good.