Q: Can changing my diet for the better improve my mood?

A: Absolutely it can! Go for as much fresh and whole as possible. A balanced diet of fresh, Whole Foods gives our brains the necessary raw materials to ensure that we produce abundant happiness juices on a daily basis. When we don’t have those necessary building blocks, our biochemistry gets out of whack, causing all sorts of imbalances like spiked blood sugar levels, greater stress which contributes to adrenal exhaustion, and a shortage of vital hormones that buffer stress in your everyday life.

By eating Whole Foods, you are nourishing your body as close as possible to the way nature made it. Shop the outer isles in your supermarket that have fresh vegetables, meats, poultry, and fish. buy as much organic as possible. It can save you on future doctor visits and medical bills. It’s also important to mention to drink plenty of cool, clear, uncolored water and stay hydrated as much as
you can. We need water because our bodies are mostly water. Next time you feel like reaching for a snack, drink a glass of water first and you will get a full, satisfying feeling.

You can also improve your mood by ditching the sugar. It’s a mood destroyer. It’s highly and we Americans eat far too much. It also wreaks havoc with your brain resulting in depression, anxiety, low-energy states, and negativity. If you are going to have sugar, have it in its natural form, as in fresh fruit, as the body can handle it better.

For additional information on healthy eating, check out Dr. Mark Hyman, who has several best-selling books on human health and welfare.