Q: I have been working on being more loving toward myself and I find it challenging. Do you have any suggestions on how I can love myself more?

A: Congratulations on your efforts to love yourself. Self-love is the essence of who we are, our true nature, and living at a high vibrational frequency. It’s a genuine feeling of all is well with yourself and the world. For many, self-love is a lifelong journey as many were not taught how to love themselves. Self-love is an unconditional expression of love of self, love and well-being, and acceptance of self.

To come to a greater place of self-love, open to greater self-clarity. Be very clear with who you truly are. Connect with your true soul essence, not your false identity, i.e., “I’m unwanted, I’m unworthy, I’m inadequate”, and so on. You can also embrace a greater self-compassion. It is the doorway to self-love. Be open-hearted always. Live in a high vibration toward yourself just like you do toward others. We often feel compassion for others yet forget to be compassionate with ourselves. Fill your own well first and love yourself then you have a greater capacity to love others.

Dissolve any barriers you may continue to have and practice extreme self-care; self-clarity, self-compassion, and kindness to yourself.