Q: I have a 16-year-old son who I feel is sleep-deprived and his grades are slipping in school. He is also grumpy and doesn’t talk a lot to his father and me. He has trouble waking up each morning, and he also sleeps late on weekends.  What can I do to help him get a good nights sleep?

A: We all know how we feel without a good nights rest. Adolescents, whose brains are not fully developed, more than most need a good nights rest that averages around nine hours per night. This is highly rare, however. Your son may also be suffering from the following:

1. Too much screen time before bed such as social media, internet use, video games, and television. This light exposure is a cue for the brain to stay awake.
2. Negative effects of the emotional regulation circuit of the brain. One can respond more emotionally to stressors and this can manifest in anxiety and depression.
3. Sleep deprivation has been known to increase substance abuse and risky behavior in teens. The disruption of the natural sleep cycle can significantly increase the risk of substance use, by interfering with brain functions that regulate the experience of emotions, impulsivity, and reward. One study has shown that impulse is also compromised, whereas sleep deprivation is linked to binge drinking, drunk driving, and unprotected sex.

While the above are indicators of some teen sleep deprivation, there are things your son can do to improve his sleep hygiene and I would encourage you and your spouse to discuss with him some healthy ways to get more rest which will improve his life in all ways.

1. Have your son try and go to bed at the same time every night and awake at the same time each morning on school days.
2. Limit screen time before bed and incorporate more relaxing activities such as drawing, writing, or simply listening to relaxing music.
3. Have him keep his room dark and cool.
4. Make sure he avoids snacks before bed as they elevate blood sugar then crash which makes teens stay more awake.
5. Yoga and meditation are known to relax the nervous system. Guided meditation can help him relax and drift off to sleep and stay asleep.
6. He may need to drink a warm glass of milk prior to bedtime.

If your son begins these strategies sooner than later, his grades should improve along with his mood.