Q: I am focusing on getting into a growth space mentally. Can you suggest some things I might do to grow?
A: Allowing yourself to get into a growth mindset can occur when you realize that you are happy with yourself first. This in turn will create a higher self-love and respect. When you have these qualities, the following can be enhanced:
1. Continue on a self-care journey. Practice nurturing your mind, body, spirit and emotions daily.
2. Start a new skill or hobby.
3. Set healthy boundaries.
4. Follow through on tasks at hand.
5. Remove yourself from those people who drain your energy.
6. It’s ok to ask for help.
7. Keep your stress level at bay.
8. Maintain a healthy energy level through proper nutrition and exercise.
9. Read, read and read.
10. Practice daily gratitude.
Remember you not only want to be in a healthy growth space mentally, but emotionally, physically and spiritually as well.