Creating Your Own Vision Board

We all have dreams and visions of what we want to manifest in our lives. It’s fun to use your creativity and create your own vision board. This can be done through using markers, colored pencils, cutting out pictures from magazines, brochures, mail, and open your heart to select what it is yearning for, or use your own photos and create a vision of what you want your board to look like. You may want to play some relaxing music to set the tone, have a glass of wine of a cup of tea.

You can order an actual vision board online, or make your own out of poster board. Simply focus on your desires and imagine the lifestyle you want. Be sure to include a gratitude list and all you are grateful for. This will help make all of your wishes and desires come true. Create what inspires you, and remember, there is no way except your way.

Once your board is complete, be sure to put it somewhere that you can see it daily and make sure it captures your attention. I have mine in my bathroom on the counter and while brushing my teeth, I look at what I wrote, photos I taped on the board, images I created, words that I like to use daily. It really puts a smile on my face and brings joy to the whole meaning of why we do this. Even took a photo of my board so I have it with me in my phone.

When I travel, it’s a nice reminder of what I desire and manifest in my own life. It helps me remain mindful of all there is to bring into my life for balance and wholeness.

Remember to set powerful intentions from your heart and know that you are supported every step of the way in creating your intentions.