Q: What is a hypnogogic state?

A: A hypnogogic state is the mysterious doorway between your waking state and sleep state. Most people pass through this usually relaxing state with no problem. The moment you fall asleep, you are vulnerable, both neurologically and intuitively.  It’s an in-between juncture where your brain hasn’t quite reoriented itself to sleep and your waking psychological defenses are down. You can be between two worlds and it can be a highly intuitive experience. 

If you find that your hypnogogic state keeps you awake, then see if you can identify what is at the root so you can relieve any insomnia. If you are stressed when you fall asleep, synaptic signals get crossed, so see if you can get yourself as relaxed as you can prior to falling asleep. Perhaps put on some spa music and use a lavender eye pillow. Take a relaxing epsom salts bath with candles and soft music. Breath and give gratitude for the day and your hypnogogic state will be pleasant and stress free.

It’s also a good idea to send any negative energies and disturbing thoughts away. You have the power to do this and assert it.