Our Time Here Is Precious

Several weeks ago I was messaging with a friend I have known over the years. He told me that he spends a lot of time in Colorado and boats with his friends in Lake Powell, Utah, a popular summer hang out for boaters. 

I told him to stop by and visit when he is in Colorado as I would love to catch up with him and show him the area where I live. We made plans for him to visit later this month. He was planning to call one evening and I didn’t hear from him so I figured something came up and I would speak with him in a few days. The weekend came and went and I thought I would message my friend and let him know we could perhaps talk that evening.

I was on my phone and noticed messages on my facebook. I opened the messages and saw onepost from my friend’s brother. The post read that he lost his brother the night before and there wereno words. Shocked, I kept reading the post over and over in disbelief. No, not my friend whom I havenot seen in years! He was planning to visit! I have him in my schedule….we had plans, what? How could this happen?

We are never prepared to lose someone, be it a loved one, friend, colleague, especially when the loss is so sudden and unpredictable. We are here but a fraction of eternity.  I know all the more how very important it is to treasure those we care about and never take anyone for granted. Life is short and loss can happen in the blink of an eye.

Reach out to those important people in your life and let them know how much they mean to you.Be grateful for another day on this earth.