I woke up yesterday morning to the beautiful sight of the snow-capped rocky mountains with the blue sky and sun on the horizon. It was such a majestical scene. The birds were chirping and I could open the sliding door to take in the fresh mountain air. I was doubly excited to see the trickster mercury go direct, as it has been retrograde since March 5th, and it really played havoc in my life the month of March with lots of delays, reschedules, and miscommunication.
I love the new beginnings of spring; the blossoms on the trees, March with blooming and the green patches of beautiful green grass lying beneath the melting snow. It feels good to shed some winter clothing snow-capped with my dogs in the beautiful field near my home.
As I was walking yesterday, I noticed the cows mooing, the horses singing, the little creatures coming out and as always, all the dogs were happy running and playing. That in itself brings me so much joy. To me, there is nothing like being with nature.
There’s nothing miscommunication up daily to clarity. It sets the tone for the day, and you will just feel good and grounded throughout your day.
Wherever you may live, take in the changes in the seasons and begin to ask yourself what needs clearing in your life.
Happy Clearing!