Embrace your challenges today
for a promising tomorrow
Today I will be with nature all around me. I will use all my senses to see, hear, smell, feel, touch, and I will breathe in relaxation and exhale with gratitude to the Universe. ~Constance Clancy
Open your heart and look deeply. Are you feeling joy or happiness?
Do you find yourself saying, “I’ll be happy when…”? Would that be enough?
Many of us give ourselves goals that when reached will make us happy. More money. Lose 20 pounds. Find that special someone.
Joyful living is about achieving this right here, right now. It’s called Mindful Living. This concept when practiced helps us discover our quest for joy, meaning and fulfillment with our spouse, partner, children, family, work, and, most importantly, with ourselves.
Often, there are roadblocks to finding our joy.
“What’s wrong with me?” “Why don’t I feel successful?” “Shouldn’t I feel happier?”
“Why did he leave me?” “What did I do to cause this?” “Why do I feel so empty?”
These are questions that we ask ourselves when something is missing in our lives.
If these questions become paramount and take our focus away from activities of daily living, enjoying the moments that make up our journey through life, our lives are imbalanced and often out of control.

We will explore the patterns in your life that are keeping you from achieving your best self. While it takes courage to take that initial step, I will walk beside you to help you along your journey.
We can explore ways to make healthier choices for a more balanced life on Intellectual, Physical, Spiritual and Emotional levels where you can begin to feel the wholeness that you are meant to feel.
These better choices will lead to a more fulfilled life with greater joy and optimal well-being. You can become the victor in your own journey. Your Hero’s journey is a return home, home to yourself, home being a metaphor for homeostasis or inner peace.
Perhaps you are seeking a wise teacher and guide to assist with overcoming your fear of change, anxiety, depression, guilt, grief and loss, or feelings of hopelessness. There may be something “off” in your relationship, a disconnection, and you cannot pinpoint just what it is.
Let’s take a journey together so that you can find that inner peace.
Hi, I’m Connie
Please congratulate yourself that you are considering forming a therapeutic partnership, as it is a decision that can be transformative and give you a sense of meaning and purpose in your life.
We will work confidentially using the modalities that speak to you. We will determine if you need to commit for a few weeks or several months or longer to achieve the results you want.
As a holistic stress management instructor, I also provide a variety of tools and guidance for those who seek a holistic approach to conscious awareness using mind, body, spirit and emotions. This enables the cultivation of more creativity and compassion with a purpose that leads to empowerment and healthier lives.
Are you ready?
To start the journey to your best life, please call, text, or email me through the form below.
I can guide you to move from where you are to a higher place.